
Gepubliceerd op: 5 december 2019

Established in 2013, Xomnia is the leading AI consulting company in The Netherlands. Its team of passionate craftsmen is dedicated to making a positive impact by enabling people, society, and businesses to seize the opportunities that data and AI provide them.

Activiteiten op AI gebied

Xomnia is a consultancy firm of 70+ people fully focused on deploying AI solutions for customers and knowledge sharing. Activities range from researching new algorithms and AI tools, providing webinars on e.g. Responsible AI, to implementing solutions in complex environments and consulting on this whole spectrum.

Bijdrage aan NL AIC

Xomnia contributes to NLAIC by actively sharing expertise and experience gained from years of consultancy work in the field of AI.

Waarom NL AIC?

Our mission is to be the leading AI consulting company that empowers people, society, and businesses to responsibly seize the enormous opportunities offered by data and AI. By joining forces in the NL AI Coalition, we can contribute to making impact with AI in the Netherlands.

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