
Gepubliceerd op: 30 september 2023

Puhu guides firms through their AI development in navigating the new era of transformative technologies. Engaging consultants from diverse disciplines is crucial in multifaceted discussion of AI. Incorporating cultural and social aspects, we not only enrich the development phase but also maintain a human-based perspective in the long term.

Activiteiten op AI gebied

Whether it’s generating project ideas or implementing social and technical solutions Puhu involved in several aspects of AI domain: LLM with NLP, Big Data Analytics with ML, Intelligent IoT as well as AI in HR for skills development.

Bijdrage aan NL AIC

Our team’s expertise in anthropology, psychology, philosophy, coaching, management, and technology allows us to offer a wide range of contributions to the projects we undertake.

Waarom NL AIC?

Puhu positions itself as a key player in any social research and development initiative through its network of expertise. We envision a future where AI and multidisciplinary collaboration lead to positive, sustainable, and transformative solutions for society.

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