Legal Parade

The massive impact of artificial intelligence (AI) as a system technology on people and society comes with a very special responsibility. Therefore, from the Human-Centric AI working group, ways are being sought to learn and discover the best and most desirable AI solutions together with people. This also applies to legal aspects of developing and deploying AI.

Start Legal Parade

The Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) believes it is important that business and organizations can prepare themselves optimally for a topic that is sometimes quite complex. The rapid development of AI coupled with the state of the AI regulation raises many questions for many business owners and organizations. Hence, the Working Group on Human-Centric AI initiated the Legal Parade. With the goal of educating organization on the upcoming European AI Act and related laws and regulations.

There are now many laws that apply to various products and services within the digital domain. Examples include the Data Act, the DMA, the DSA, the CRA, the NIS II, the Copyright Act, the Database Act and the AVG. The Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC), in collaboration with parties in its legal network and the AI hubs, would like to provide insight into what organizations are already doing under existing rules (think of conducting a DPIA under the AVG) and what they need to do on top of that to comply with the AI Act in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

An initial list of frequently asked questions has been prepared. This will be updated regularly. Is your question not listed here? If so, please contact Náhani Oosterwijk. In addition, a compact overview of laws and regulations related to digital products and services is available.

It is also possible to further contact legal experts who can help you with specific issues. There may be costs associated with this. For more information, contact Náhani Oosterwijk.

Setup Legal Parade

Together with the Security, Peace and Justice, Public Services and International working groups, content is being developed to provide insight into the implications of the AI Act and related legislation. The ministries of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Economic Affairs and Climate, and Justice and Security are also involved. This team of experts from NL AIC working groups, ministries and regulators jointly shapes the content of the Legal Parade and handles communications.

The contents of the Legal Parade will be disseminated internally and externally. Through the internal community for NL AIC participants and through meetings organized regionally from the AI hubs. The Legal Parade is also featured at external events, such as the annual event the World Summit AI. The intended outcome is well-informed stakeholders in the AI ecosystem to prepare for responsible implementation of the AI Act.


If you would like more information about the Human-centered AI working group, the ELSA concept and its activities, we invite you to visit this page.

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