Strategy Team

About the strategy team

The Strategy Team consists of representative policy representatives from research and education, government, industry and AI end-users and society. The team deals with strategy, outline policy and progress, and stakeholder management.

Andy Lürling

Founding partner

Cees Oudshoorn

Esther Smit

Business Director

Frits Grotenhuis

Topsector ICT

Inge Molenaar

Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences
Radboud Universiteit

Jos de Groot

Director Digital Economy
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat

Maaike Harbers

Lector Artificial Intelligence & Society
Creating 010

Marieke Peeters

Mooncake AI

Marleen Stikker

Waag Society

Nanda Piersma

Scientific Director
Platform Prio

Nathan Ducastel

Executive Director

Pallas Agterberg

Director of Strategy

Peter Werkhoven

Chief Scientist

Tibor Bosse

Distinguished Professor of Computing-based Society
Radboud Universiteit

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Bringing knowledge, people and parties together as central point for ai in the Netherlands

Building Blocks

We work together to achieve results on five themes, also called building blocks.

Focus areas

We work together to achieve results on five themes, also called building blocks.

Use cases

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) anyway? We speak of AI when a system is capable, just as humans can, of making decisions independently based on observations (data) and learning from data.