Human Centric AI

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ELSA Lab Networking Project: because learning from each other is essential

The first five ELSA Labs, which started up this year, immediately went into learning mode. (...)

Launch of the AI Parade, a unique dialogue about human-centric AI in society

The importance of a social dialogue Increasing digitalisation and the associated use of AI have (...)

Creation of a network project on human-centric AI research with ELSA Labs

The goal is to acquire knowledge and understandings that will help the development and application (...)

ELSA aspects of AI: CLAIRE and ELSA Labs work together to ensure the development of human centric AI in Europe

Both parties recognise the massive impact of AI on people’s everyday lives and in addressing (...)

Plenty of enthusiasm already for a European ecosystem targeting human centric AI

“What makes our country pretty much unique is the smooth way in which many different (...)

More than 10 million euros for Human Centric AI research in ELSA Labs

The research will be realised in co-creative environments. These so-called ELSA Labs (‘Ethical, Legal and (...)

These 12 AI companies received SBIR funding to develop human centric AI solutions

The aim of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) innovation competition was to develop and (...)

New activities recognised with the NL AIC Label aiming to strengthen the AI landscape

Why have an NL AIC Label? The NL AIC is aiming to strengthen the AI (...)

NWO and the NL AIC launch programme on human centric artificial intelligence for an inclusive society

Recently, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic underline that without ‘intelligent’ digitisation, societies cannot function (...)