Results found: (62)
ELSA Lab for an AI Approach to Low Literacy
In the Netherlands, about 2.5 million have a low level of literacy, meaning that they (...)
The ELSA Cultural AI Lab
It can be difficult for institutions in culture and heritage to ensure that everything they (...)
ELSA Lab for Multi-Agency Public Safety Issues in AI
How can we use AI technology in the Netherlands to improve public safety? And how (...)
ELSA Lab DataXchange
Using data to combat crime that undermines society and genuinely making a change in that (...)
ELSA Lab for AI Solutions for Disability Care
There are various issues in disability care where AI could provide an ideal solution. On (...)
ELSA Lab Meaningful Human Control over Public AI Systems
Using AI in policy implementation not only promises to handle social challenges better but is (...)
ELSA Lab Contestable Urban AI
Municipalities would like what is known as a ‘digital twin’ to be developed: a three-dimensional (...)
ELSA Lab AI4Access
Auditory or visual impairments or low literacy can limit the access to knowledge and services (...)
SUbsea enhanced REality program (SURE)
Maximizing underwater situational awareness to enable safer and more effective Inspection Repair and Maintenance.