Peter Verkoulen was appointed chair of the NL AIC Data Sharing Working Group from 1 January. Without access to data across all kinds of borders, AI applications are impossible. “For the past eighteen months, I’ve been busy leading the Dutch Gaia-X hub. At the end of 2022, we decided to merge the NL AIC data sharing working group, the hub and the Data Sharing Coalition under the name Center of Excellence for Data Sharing & Cloud (CoE-DSC). Running that CoE means that as of 1 January I will also take on the role of chairing the NL AIC data sharing working group. I’m looking forward to building on what has been achieved by these three coalitions and elsewhere in recent years, facilitating applications and solutions that help us resolve – or at least significantly mitigate – the major social and economic issues of our time.”
We would like to thank Frans van Ette for his efforts as chair over the past few years. He has led the working group to where it now is, with great enthusiasm.