Virtual trade mission to India


27 July 2024



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From 13 – 15 September, the Netherlands organises a virtual mission to India. The goal of the mission is to facilitate Indo-Dutch collaboration on Digital Key Enabling Technologies for societal challenges. The mission will enable you to get insight in local challenges, gain market information and expand your network with new contacts.

We particularly recommend the participation of public & private sector representatives active in or interested in the following sectors:

  • Digital Key Enabling Technologies & Water
  • Digital Key Enabling Technologies & Agri and Food
  • Digital Key Enabling Technologies & Health
  • Digital Key Enabling Technologies & Better Living

The opening of the mission will take place on the 13th of September with interesting speakers, including Kees van der Klauw, manager of the Netherlands AI Coalition. The second day is all about thematic webinars and breakout sessions. During the three days it is possible to attend matchmaking sessions of 30 minutes with potential partners, which is a unique possibility to extend your network.


Look here for more information about the program and registration. Participation in this virtual mission is free of charge.

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