Launch website


6 August 2022


Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam

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Algorithms and AI are increasingly being used, and chances are that everyone will have to deal with them in their work or personal lives. Insight starts with asking the right questions, and with more insight you can make better decisions. But what questions can be asked about a complex topic like AI?

On June 8, the website will be officially launched during an event. The website contains illustrations and examples that challenge the visitor to ask questions about the use of algorithms and AI. This is done on the basis of various themes, Health, Energy Transition, Society and Climate. Click here to attend the launch of Insight into AI and join the discussion.


  • 16.00 uur:
    • Opening by Mariëtte Oosterwegel, initiatiefneemster Inzicht in AI.
  • 6.15 hr: Panel discussion “Breaking down dilemmas about AI in science and society”. The panel of prominent AI scientists and communication experts will engage with the public.
  • 17.00 uur: Drinks

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