ICAI Launch Pad Café in May: join industry or start your own company


27 July 2024



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On 24 May 2022 ICAI and the Netherlands AI Coalition will organise a Launch Pad with the aim to connect AI talent with organisations in the Dutch ecosystem. This will be done by providing a matchmaking process between AI-PhD students and Dutch companies that are looking for AI talent. This is on a not-for profit base, so there are no costs involved.


  • 12.00 hr: Opening
  • 12:02 hr: Careers that combine science and industry by Jan Driessen (Nexperia)
  • 12:20 hr: First Q& A
  • 12:30 hr: The Dutch AI Startup Ecosystem by Giulia Donker (TTT.AI)
  • 12:45 hr: Second Q&A
  • 13:00 hr: End


Please click here for more information about the online event and the possibility to register.

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