ICAI – AI for Radiation Treatment in the NL


27 July 2024


Online event

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On 21 April 2022 ICAI will organise an event on AI regarding Radiation Treatment in the Netherlands. The POP-AART lab and the Brightlands Smart Health lab will each present their work and discuss challenges and developments made in this field.


  • 12.00 hr: Opening
  • 12:05 hr: Introduction of the POP-AART lab by Jan-Jakob Sonke (NKI)
  • 12:10 hr: Adaptive radiotherapy in the era of learning algorithms and big data by Efstratios Gavves (UvA)
  • 12.25 hr: Introduction of The Brightlands Smart Health Lab by Rianne Fijten (MaastrichtU)
  • 12:30 hr: Application of Clinical and Radiomic Features for the Differential Diagnosis of Pneumonitis in Stage IV Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors by Fariba Tohidinezhad (MaastrichtU)
  • 12.45 hr: Discussion what’s next in AI for Radiation Treatment
  • 13.00 hr: End


Please click here for more information about the online event and the possibility to register.

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