European AI Forum – 7th edition


7 May 2023



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The European AI Forum kicks-off its seventh conference on July 5th, 2023. This is flagship event will be broadcasted from Brussels and is organised in cooperation with the nine national AI associations in the EU.

The conference brings together AI decision makers and entrepreneurs to discuss the most pressing issues driving the AI ecosystem. Among the leading topics, you’ll find discussions on AI Act, generative AI, the nation wide adversarial effects on chips and many more.

Keynote Speakers & Panelists

  • Jean-Noël Barrot – French Minister for the Digital Transition and Telecommunications
  • Virginijus Sinkevičius – European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
  • Eglė Markevičiūtė – Vice-minister Ministry of Economy and Innovation (Lithuania)
  • Marie-Aude Aufaure – Scientific Advisor at Hub France IA and CEO @Datarvest
  • Evangelia Markidou
  • Sylwia Stefaniak – Expert at the Ministry of Digital Affairs
  • Huub Janssen – Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure
  • Damian Flisak – Head of Public Affairs
  • Eva Maydell – MP at European Parlament
  • Phillip Hacker – University Viadrina
  • Moritz Gräter – CEO IPAI Heilbronn


  • Jeannette Gorzala – AI Austria
  • Daniel Abbou – Managing Director KI Bundesverband

The nine national AI associations are:

  1. AI4SI
  2. AI Austria
  3. AIPoland
  4. AI Cluster Bulgaria
  5. CroAI
  6. Hub France IA
  7. KI Bundesverband
  8. The Netherlands AI Coalition
  9. Artificial Intelligence Association of Lithuania

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