Program Team

About the program team

The Program Team is the substantive engine of the NL AIC and brings together all the knowledge and experience from the working groups into building blocks and application areas. She advises and informs the Strategy Team and is responsible for implementation of policies to participating organizations in application areas and building blocks.

Arjan Walinga

Chair working group Built Environment

Ben Schaap

Chair working group Agriculture and Nutrition

Brian Kiesling


Don Ginsel

Chair working group Financial Services

Elja Daae

Chair working group Public Services

Eppo van Nispen tot Sevenaer

Chair working group Culture and Media

Geert Kuiper

Chair working group Defence

Greet Vink

EU Liaison

Huub Keizers

Coordinator working group Built Environment

Jeroen Visscher

Chair working group Education

John Harinck

Chair working group Energy and Sustainability

Joris den Bruinen

Chair working group Security, Peace and Justice

Jouke Kardolus

Coordinator working group Agriculture and Nutrition

Julia van Wijk – Stijger

Coordinator working group Education

Katja van Kranenburg

Chair working group Human Capital

Martijn Bekking

Coordinator working group Public Services

Marvin van Haelen

Communications advisor

Miriam de Groot – Veronesi

Chair working group Start-ups and Scale-ups

Patrick Blommerde

Chair working group Technical Industry

Paul Coumans

Coordinator working group Security, Peace and Justice

Peter Verkoulen

Chair working group Data Sharing

Pieter Jeekel

Chair working group Healthcare

Pieter van Boheemen

Chair working group Human Centric AI

Pieter van Kuilenburg

Coordinator working group Healthcare

Pieter Verhagen

Coordinator working group Data Sharing

Roos Kist

Coordinator working group Start-ups and Scale-ups

Sabine Herbrink

Coalition secretary

Sophie van Eck

Coalition coordinator

Willeke Klinker


Yvonne Kooi

AI hub Northern Netherlands

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Bringing knowledge, people and parties together as central point for ai in the Netherlands

Building Blocks

We work together to achieve results on five themes, also called building blocks.

Focus areas

We work together to achieve results on five themes, also called building blocks.

Use cases

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) anyway? We speak of AI when a system is capable, just as humans can, of making decisions independently based on observations (data) and learning from data.